We would like for you to leave your name and contact info so we can let you know when we have additional
recordings or other information to share. If you leave your information we will not abuse your trust or
give your information to others. The goal is to spread the word and build Patriotism, Love of God and
Country. So your information is not a requirement for the FREE download, but please do leave your city
and state so we know what areas we are reaching.
We believe that singing and asking God to bless America again is a worthwhile effort,
so if you enjoy the song, SHARE IT with your friends in an email, posting on FaceBook,
other Social Media, or what ever way you can. If you have time, special talents, or
suggestions, you would like to share to help spread the word, send an email to: info@SonsOfTennessee.com or call us at 615-876-6100.
To Help Spread The Word
Many people have donated their time, talents and money to support this 'grassroots' effort to
encourage others with hope for the future of our country. If you want to help financially you
can do so by using the link below to connect to a secure site. Soon, we would like to build
a companion video to the song for visual media. Then record other new Patriotic and traditional
uplifting songs. Plus, a whole list of projects which we have noted on our
GiveSendGo page
to help get America Singing Together Again!